The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #273 Based Monday – 07OCT24 – Mighty Whitey Roundtable!

Based Monday with White Nationalist Co-Hosts Statutory Paul From Commiefornia and Davis Lurmann @DavisLurmman, joined by Flood @OMGitsFlood, Smoko @on_smoko and White is Right for [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #210  – 04OCT2024 – CoHost: Zach @LogosRevealedI Guest: Pastor Eli James

The courageous true Christian and insightful author Eli James returns to discuss the latest release of his seminal book “The Great Impersonation.” Who really [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day #272 – 02OCT24 – Co-Host: Dave Scorpio, Guest: NOT Pokerface Paul Topete

The brilliant driving force behind the innovative protest band Pokerface, Paul Topete, DID NOT return to discuss the satanic insanity attacking every aspect of high-trust [Read More…]