The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #226 – 28FEB25 – CoHosts: Zach @LogosRevealedI; Honored Guests: Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

When are Whites going to wake the fuck up? Epstein suppressed list leaked to Noses first?!?! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #221 – 20DEC24 – CoHost: Zach @LogosRevealedI, Guests: Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

The final Giuseppe show of 2024 ends with a bang! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join G & Z to look back [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #218 – 29Nov24 – Zach @LogosRevealedI, Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

We celebrate the life of the courageous, unbowed hero Ursula Haverbeck with Monika and Alfred who knew her so well. Rest In Peace, Queen! 1488! [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #213 – 25OCT24 – Zach @LogosRevealedI, Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

Talmudic satan-worshiping jews are doing everything possible to kill whites and destroy the Divine Natural Order. Clearly hebrew overreach, but creating unprecedented chaos in its [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #209 – 27SEPT24 – Zach @LogosRevealedI, Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

The vile kike is doing everything possible kill whites and destroy the Divine Natural Order. And the vile kike is failing, but creating unprecedented chaos [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #191 – 10MAY24 – CoHost Zach @LogosRevealedI – Guests: Monika & Alfred Schaefer

Alfred Schaefer is kicking talmudic ass! Alfred Schaefer and his sister Monika discuss how Alfred was illegally and immorally imprisoned for using his God-given right [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #183 – 15MARCH24 – CoHost: Zach @LogosRevealed; Guests: Monika & Alfred Schaefer 

Alfred Schaefer is Free! Alfred Schaefer and his sister Monika discuss how Alfred was illegally and immorally imprisoned for using his God-given right of Free [Read More…]