The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #300  Based Hump Day – 12FEB25 – Co-Host: David Scorpio @DavidScorpio33 – Guests: James Mason, Dave Gahary @DGahary94270

For Sane Asylum #300 Based Hump Day, a special deep dive into the Life and Music of Charles Manson! Giuseppe worked for the manufacturer who [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #299  Based Monday – 10FEB25 – Co-Hosts: Paul CA + @DavisLurmann +  David Scorpio @DavidScorpio33 

Zion Don shows his true MIGA colors (Make Israel Great Again) by allegedly tweeting “We must secure the existence of jewish people and a future [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day #296 – 29JAN25 – Co-Host: Dave Scorpio @DavidScorp1053, Guests:  Russ Winter @New_Nationalist + Robert Phoenix @AstroPhoenix9

The Four Horsemen of the Jewpocalypse return for the first show of 2025, and it will be a doozy! The savvy impresario of and [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #293  Based Monday – 16DEC24 – Co-Hosts: Paul CA + @DavisLurmann – Guests: James Mason, Dave Gahary @DGahary94270, David Scorpio @DavidScorpio33

Final Based Monday Sane Asylum of 2024! Real White Men. Elite White Nationalist Roundtable with Statutory Paul From Commiefornia, Right Perspective Radio host Davis Lurmann [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #220 – 13DEC24 – CoHost: Dave Straight @outtaswampton

Giuseppe, Dave, Siege Author James Mason and numerous callers discuss the madness of the past year including the satanic genocidal war machine that is Israel; [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #289 Based Monday – 02DEC24 – Co-Hosts: Paul CA + Davis Lurmann

Based Monday with White Nationalist Co-Hosts Statutory Paul From Commiefornia and Davis Lurmann @DavisLurmman! By Whites, for Whites… Hail Victory! Fish swim, birds fly… jews [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #218 – 29Nov24 – Zach @LogosRevealedI, Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

We celebrate the life of the courageous, unbowed hero Ursula Haverbeck with Monika and Alfred who knew her so well. Rest In Peace, Queen! 1488! [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #217 – 22NOV24 – CoHost: Zach @LogosRevealedI; Guests: Dave Gahary @DGahary94270

The hosts of FTJmedia’s newest show, Dave Gahary & legendary author of Siege James Mason (, Join Giuseppe & Zach to discuss their new show [Read More…]