The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum Based Hump Day #306 – 05MARCH25 – CoHost: David Scorpio @DavidScorpio33; Guest: PK from Panama

Expat PK has over 30 years experience researching how the world really works and team-building with dedicated compatriots. PK is black pilled, while Scorpio is [Read More…]

The Sane Asylum

The Sane Asylum #305  Based Monday – 03MAR25 – Co-Hosts: Paul CA + Davis Lurmann @DavisLurmann + David Scorpio @DavidScorpio33

What is Neoreactionarism (NRx)? Also known as the Dark Enlightenment, NRx is a radical political philosophy that rejects democracy and promotes authoritarianism. Sounds great especially [Read More…]

The Perfect Triangle

The Perfect Triangle #226 – 28FEB25 – CoHosts: Zach @LogosRevealedI; Honored Guests: Alfred & Monika Schaefer! 

When are Whites going to wake the fuck up? Epstein suppressed list leaked to Noses first?!?! The heroic, courageous Schaefer Siblings Alfred & Monika join [Read More…]