The Perfect Triangle #215 – 08NOV24 – Guest: Flood @OMGitsFlood
Brilliant show host, White Advocate and Deep Fake Artist Flood ( will join Giuseppe for 2 hours of Floodian Insights such as Project Esther, [Read More…]
The Perfect Triangle is the show that brought Giuseppe back to the Independent Media. Live every Friday 12-2pm Eastern.
Brilliant show host, White Advocate and Deep Fake Artist Flood ( will join Giuseppe for 2 hours of Floodian Insights such as Project Esther, [Read More…]
All Souls Day brings forth a high-level discussion between G, Z and T about the state of doltish, parasitic evil plaguing the incipient White Nationalist [Read More…]
Talmudic satan-worshiping jews are doing everything possible to kill whites and destroy the Divine Natural Order. Clearly hebrew overreach, but creating unprecedented chaos in its [Read More…]
Legendary White Nationalist Alex Linder ( returns to discuss, analyze and offer solutions with cohost Zach Logos Revealed and and MoneyTreePublishing owner Dave Gahary [Read More…]
Giuseppe and Zach take calls and embarrass the toxic, weak-minded trolls who tried to pop in and pop off. Great show with guest appearance by [Read More…]
The courageous true Christian and insightful author Eli James returns to discuss the latest release of his seminal book “The Great Impersonation.” Who really [Read More…]
The vile kike is doing everything possible kill whites and destroy the Divine Natural Order. And the vile kike is failing, but creating unprecedented chaos [Read More…]
Who was the real Adolph Hitler? So many lies, so much disinformation about the noble Chancellor. Giuseppe, Zach Logos Revealed, David Scorpio and the savvy [Read More…]
The Courageous Black Nationalist Ayo Kimathi joins Zach and Z to discuss his latest efforts to awaken humanity that Jews Are the Problem! This includes [Read More…]
Zach and G are joined for his premiere appearance on The Perfect Triangle by the insightful content creator and talented performance artist, also an excellent [Read More…]